Happy Feet

Tuesday, was a pretty normal day.  Work was busy, but fun!  I'm so lucky to work with my friends.  I try to never forget that....even when we are all so stressed out with the work load, the decision making, the pressure of it all.....and we want to bite each other's head off.  In the end...we always come back together, and remember how blessed we are.  

Sugar had a GREAT day was school.  She was sporting some brand new shoes, and was so happy and proud.  I know that feeling.  Sometimes it's the simple things.  95% of all her clothes are hand-me-downs, so shoes are the main thing she gets new, and her feet have always been slow growing.  She get a year or more out of all of her shoes.  She hasn't ever had any shoes quite like these, and she is loving them.  She is happy that she is the only person she knows that has them....and they are her favorite colors....and they SPARKLE!!!!!!!  Score!  

We got home a bit late tonight, as she went on errands with a friend, and I worked late. We did have some time outside, and grew a bit worried, as Mimsy, one of hens, is missing in action. She wasn't with the other hens, and in fact...didn't come in to the coop tonight.  I'm hoping she is just broody, and sitting on some eggs somewhere.  I'll have a better look around the property tomorrow after work.  Crossing my fingers to find her.

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