Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The Before

Here's 'the before' blip of our patio that we arrived back to late last night. Let's see how long before we have 'the after' on blip. Don't hold your breath! There's weeding, watering, cutting back and a bit of throwing out to be done. However, there's also lots of life, bits of colour, signs of jasmine coming through on the back wall, our trusty flowering-all year hibiscus flowering, a plant we thought we'd lost has regained its life and colour, and a plant I didn't even know flowered has flowered! In the meantime, 11 weeks of unpacking needs to be done. The balance power now shifts for the next wee while and I become the smoothie maker, meal provider, food shopper, head chef and bottle washer. Bb's not very demanding on that front though (unlike yours truly he might say) and we've already agreed to grab a bite out locally tonight and reconnect with the barrio. Right, back to that unpacking!

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