Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

another blip meet...............

yep, it is indeed another blip meet and as well as the old faithful of yours truly and Bisk , it also saw the welcome return of snappy dancer and a new addition in the form of fizz.
bit of a small turnout but big on laughs.
good food, good company and way too much to drink (i personally lay the blame for that at the feet of fizz).
pre dinner cocktails sounded good but isn't that always the way, "SOUNDED LIKE A GOOD IDEA!"
anyway apart from being assaulted by a rather friendly belly dancer (i honestly tried to fight her off but i was to weak) it was a quality night and am looking forward to the next round........................besides i think Bisk and I shall need to get some practice in so we can keep up with Fizz.

cheers for a great night folks and a special thanks to my driver for the evening/morning.........

few more shots from the night here

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