
What a shock this morning was to the system, I never cease to be amazed at how easily I slip into school holiday mode and how hard first day back is!

A morning of last minute revision before heading over to Cambourne for 1.30. Had a lovely chat with one of the invigilators in the sunshine as we waited - he recognised me from previous exams.

The exam was either very kind or I have completely screwed it up. Either way, there's no point worrying as the results will take 6 weeks.

Home and a start on housework - Sharon who cleans has been away for 2 weeks - I remembered why I am looking after other people's children to pay for a cleaner ;-)

Collected the small 2, threw fish fingers and chips at them all then set off again to drop Princess at KidZone and the Boy at Sea Scouts. I left Smallest at home with Eldest and nipped* round to ClareClares with belated birthday present and had a catch up.

Eldest is stressing about her Spanish speaking exam tomorrow. She has already cancelled taking part in this weekend's silver DofE expedition as she thinks she will have to resit it on Monday. I feel for her as she had a bit of a melt down - she is struggling to memorise Spanish speaking, drama scripts and her lines for her part in Alice in Wonderland.

*nipped is a lie. I walked the Boy down to sailing from Clare's and then walked at speed back up. The blip was taken about half way up, mainly to try and catch my breath ;-)

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