
It's not been much of a day for photos, but I have managed to get quite a lot of sorting done in our shared office, as well as do several errands, including ordering tickets for the full 2015-2016 season of the Whatcom Symphony, all of which have pleased me!

The weather has reverted to cool, windy, and damp; the white vertical lines in today's blip make the gentle drizzle apparent. In one of the rare moments of sunshine, I noticed a yellow jacket outside (fortunately!) the high window over our dining area. I was drawn by the insect's contrast with the window blinds, and have added it as an extra -- another vertical.

The main photo shows a male Black-headed Grosbeak impatiently waiting for a male Downy Woodpecker -- a fledgling, I think -- to finish gorging on a suet and seed cake in the suspended feeder. Both Downy Woodpecker parents frequented the high feeder today, and I saw one of the parents feeding a fledgling on the big cedar tree behind our house.

It's a good thing our office doesn't have a view of the bird feeders, as if it did, I'd never get anything done!

Blip 1563

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