It's Written in the Stars

Not for nothing am I a Scorpion. This explains why after biding my time for 24 hours over the purchase of two decorative plates for the wall, vetoed by the self appointed Dower House interior designer, I took the opportunity while His Lordship was otherwise occupied to nip into town and purchase them myself. They are already hung in my computer space where only I will see them; others' sensibilities will not be affected.

I am not sure if greed is associated with Scorpions, but it certainly figured large in my visit to John Lewis this morning where I had to buy the requisite plate wall hangers. Being a good customer I was in receipt of a token for a free coffee and cake. You already know that scones figure hugely in my coffee mornings, but today the knowledge that I could choose a large slice of Victorian sponge with strawberries, obviously worth much more than a scone, flagged up my 'get as much as possible for nothing' gene, and I might tell you, the cake slipped over very easily.

This is the view that accompanied the cake: a giraffe like crane below me beginning the destruction of the St James Centre, but leaving John Lewis intact;yet another swathe of construction site in the City centre.

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