
It was much cooler this morning although it became very hot after lunch. Instead of gardening I spent the morning doing various jobs. I also telephoned ‘3’ to sort out my ‘Short Codes’ and ‘Premium Short Codes’.
I often have difficulty when speaking with ‘3’ as for many of them, English is not their first language; today I was lucky. The first person I spoke with knew exactly what had to be done and was very ‘clued up’ about these codes. She then put a block on short and premium codes for me and then put me through to another number to obtain a refund. They said they were not the right company, but gave me another number. I contacted ‘3’ again and got another ‘clued up’ person who rang another number and then put me through to ‘Mr Phillips’ while they (3) stayed connected. The person was not very forthcoming with information, but agreed to refund my money. He asked for my bank account so he could transfer the money instantly! Not happening, so he said he could pay it to my PayPal account, which only involved my name and my email address, but it would take thirty days.
It seems ‘short’ and ‘premium’ codes are becoming much more of a problem. I never answer unknown numbers, but I went through the list of the numbers I have blocked. 66299 was there and I had already blocked it along with many others. Even though I had not answered it, it seems you do not need to, for them to charge you. So keep an eye on your invoices, do not answer any short codes such as the one above, which it seems, is used by more than one company. Get your service provided to block them and 09 numbers on your mobile telephone if they will.
I was going to put together my new bird feeder stand and blip that today. However, on opening the box I discovered that the base is sold separately, so it is in pieces all over my worktops. I have ordered the base from Amazon and with ‘Prime’ it should be here tomorrow. I have ordered another case of wine, whites and rosé, from Naked Wines, which will also be delivered tomorrow; I still have some ‘reds’ in stock in my wine cellar (the larder cupboard under the stairs).

Today’s picture is of one of our pink and white Honeysuckle flowers’ the yellow and white ones are not yet flowering.

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