The Lighted Life

By Giacomo


AP News: (Minneapolis)......Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan announced today a major plan to curb crime in the City's central downtown hub. "We have developed a way to double the police force in the downtown area without adding to the city's budget wows," said Dolan. The Chief added, "You may notice that this new program has attracted a high proportion of identical twins. We feel that twin siblings working together as officers ensures that communication and coordination between our officers will always be quite exact."

At the same press conference, Minneapolis Budget Director LaTonia Green announced that the city was working with the police force union to reduce the wages that officers receive. "We have started a pilot program which will offer all of our officers blackberrys and unlimited texts as well as unlimited beverages throughout the day." The director went on to say that by offering these benefits to union employees, the city is hopeful that they can negotiate a major reduction in officer pay.

No time for serious blippage today as it was stuffed full of meetings from beginning to end. So I offer you some terrible humor instead and the relections do make an interesting study. The only chance I had to use my camera was on the way to a meeting with a client. And, of course, I had no time to set up the camera correctly but......I learned today that if you ask your client to pause on the street so that you can pull a big camera out of your bag and point it towards a cop, they look at you with bewilderment and slowly back away. Perhaps I should turn him on to Blip.

All kidding aside, this officer was on break and I have walked by him for many years. He truly is an exemplary officer and our force has many of them. I have always been extremely impressed with Minneapolis' Finest.

I never want to go to bed without thanking you for your unending kindness. I feel so fortunate to be here with you.

The weekend is upon us...let us all say YAHOOOOOOOO!

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