
By Croft16


..on meadow fescue (it's a grass species!!)

Said goodbye to G&A today. We've had a lovely few days together. Been to nice places, and seen nice things. Many were "firsts" for them, including traveling this far North!..

I think they now appreciate why we're here!

Planted my cucamelons in the polytunnel, and weeded the courgette, cucumber, and tomato beds. Put up strings for the cucamellons to climb up. The toms are looking really good now with first fruits forming. Courgettes will be picking next weekend. I always pick them "small", rather than letting them get too big and mushy in the middle.

Set the bar up for tomorrow's (today's) ceilidh in the Hall.

Did the egg run, but drove round as G has the cold I had earlier in the week.. This shot taken from the old croft troad looking out to the bay. The grass was the only thing I could get as a foreground subject, but love the way the anthers are hanging out..

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