My alternative diary

By chrisphoto

A Day out

I belong to a small group of photographers and we call ourselves PixelPals. We attempt to meet once a month to take photographs, visit exhibitions and have lunch together. Today all seven of us met at Harrold-Odell Country Park. Two of our members are limited in mobility just now so two of us and them headed for the wildlife hide. We were entertained by hundreds of Common Blue Damselflies doing what they do this time of the year! Additionally, there were Cormorant, Heron, Swan, a variety of ducks and Canada Geese.

I could have posted many images today but have chosen to post a pair of Canada Geese that I thought were just a pair until I viewed the image on the computer and I discovered between them was a tiny Gosling! For my extra I’m posting some Damselflies. 

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