Leither for a Day

In the morning I toddled along to Leith Links where the Gala was under way to join my friend ML and the Megaphone Choir in a rendition of "It Stinks On The Links". It was a good turnout and we all had fun (but it was weird not being behind a camera).

You've seen ML before - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2160684405708818849 and the Megaphone Choir - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/4725289 and here's ML singing her next smash hit - https://youtu.be/FUn9fQjU6BU

Later on Dr T and I watched the England v Russia match in a local pub. It's not easy supporting England in Scotland... The crowd was pretty good, perhaps due in part to the age of the clientele (where I was the youngest). It was all going smoothly until Russia scored and one fellow broke out into "The Red Flag". I love that song but it hardly applies to modern day Russia.

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