Reikes small life...

By Reike

Non-lazy Sunday

We had expected a full day of rain. So, waking up to a blue sky in the morning and seeing that the rain will only move in later, I ushered us out, out, out! 
So soon the three of us were on our way up one of the local mountains. We walked through an enchanted forest that is a hunting ban area, and the chamois know and love the fact. Needless to say that our dog Djeili was on the lead and in hysterics most of the time, especially when one of them jumped just across the path in front of us. 
We were back that moment when the first rain-drops hit!

In the afternoon she enjoyed some off-the-lead time galopping beside the horse on the fields, chasing birds and spotting some shit to roll in... 

A great day for all of us. A shame the weekend is over already.

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