
By cowgirl

Tutbury's Street Party

Today was the street party in honour of The Queen's 90th birthday in the next village along from us. Sav grew up there and friends of ours still live there and were very much involved in the organising.

We just meant to pop along to see what's what ... I ended up staying all day, and Sav who had been on nights managed at least half of it.

Despite the rain showers everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and there was a rousing end to it all with a brass band playing all the usual " Last Night Of The Proms " favourites, so lots of flag waving, clapping and singing to be done!

Many hands make light work and as everyone departed they took anything they'd brought with them away, so the organisers had just tables, chairs and road signs to take back to storage. I volunteered my services, but before we could begin to load up, we had to shelter as the heavens opened and the rain pelted down. We were all just relieved that this hadn't happened 15 mins earlier as we were belting out the National Anthem!

I hope the kids who seemed to be enjoying the singing as much as the adults have good memories of this day, as I do of earlier celebrations, such as the Silver Jubilee in 1977. I was 10 years old, but still remember bits of it now. I just wish I had photos of it!

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