Happy Daze

By Dazed

Is this Love?

I'd like to introduce you to two very special friends of mine: Homer and Thierry.

Homer was my husband's wedding present to me and is the soppiest tortoise that you can imagine. He follows me around like a dog and likes sitting in people's laps. We bought Thierry as a wedding gift for Mr & Mrs TSN and have only recently discovered that (s)he is a girl. I am still getting used to the idea, hence the '(s)he' business.

Mr & Mrs TSN have decided that they would like Homer to be the father of Thierry's babies (how wrong does that sound?!) when (s)he is big enough. At the moment we are just babysitting and they took the opportunity to check each other out.

Is it just me or is there a spark between them?

I am new at this and can't work out how to link to TSN's page in an elegant fashion so this will have to do:

The Squirrels Nuts

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