Strangest place to have a crash

Posted this earlier on Facebook, and it's a really odd place to crash your car on this mountain pass. I know the mountain from both sides, and there aren't many places that you really want to experience a 'flying' motion. Most of your options will have you flying for a fair while down the mountain, and this really is a mountain with some big drops.

So of all the places to wipe out, this was probably the safest place in a 40km stretch! Not that I would want an accident on this mountain it has to be said.

It's also a weird place to crash because it's at the end of a longish straight where your brakes have been cooled sufficiently from the last bit of heavy braking - if you had lost your brakes, it would have been 2km earlier.

You can also rule out the road surface - looked pretty good to me, and you really wont find much ice at 22C+.

And I would think you could rule out excessive speed as well, because there are a couple of sharp turns just beforehand.

Who knows. No idea whether anyone was badly hurt, hope not. Saw an ambulance whizz down the pass yesterday with his blues on. He turned them off just after my corner and slowed down. I'm thinking it didn't end well.

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