On the bike again...

Thank you for your good comments. Hope you forgive me for not commentlng yours when striving on my little adventure where it is a challenge to get internet connection as well as batteries recharged. We did not go to Nordkapp as the sign on todays blip shows, not on our route either which went towards Lakselv where we arrived tonight. 88 km on the loaded bike climbing up and down today does something with you, and my bike as well, My knees are having a tough time and a bike wheel did loose a spoke today. This I have to repair before start out tomorrow morning. Thought we are brave doing this trip but have lost that thinking. Have met smiling bikers from Germany, France and Poland on their way to Norkapp, couples and sigles that have been on their bikes for weeks and who will bike the distance back home again. Unbelievable. Have lost my proud smile even if still happy. Have again experienced and must accept that whatever you do in this world and whatever brave you think you are, there are always some (many) that are much much braver than you are. However, we have our goal to reach. If we succeed I will be more than happy. Today with my knee I have started to doubt. Got two Paracet pills and go to bed now hoping tomorrow the knee will be ok.

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