A wine with a good nose

Although by no means the best photo, it was the one that had us laughing most! Our fine wine was rather ruined by this photo, looking like an epic nose bleed from my cousin Lozz! Lovely to have time with him & his girlfriend Helen...I love how there's so much you just don't need to say when there's a lifetimes history with someone. 
The rest of the day was spent doing a massive amount of washing for some of the homeless guys...thank goodness it's summer & it all dries quickly. 

 Today I'm grateful for; 
1) Getting to know Helen a bit...love how happy she & my cousin seem.
2) The privilege of washing the guys clothes...there's a lot we can't do, feels like an honour to do the little bit we can.
3) A speedy catch up with Tchani whilst out & about first thing.

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