Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

To the families, friends and survivors in Orlando

Today has been a difficult day for me. 

I guess if finally hit me - the shootings in Orlando. 

We lived through the lunatic shooting in Colorado Springs.  We saw first hand the devastation to the families - one in particular.  We saw how people of all different beliefs and views came together to surround the families of the fallen and injured with love and compassion. 

And, again, today I have been hearing from many of my friends that live in Orlando - and they all know people who were killed or injured. 

Many who were killed or injured were gay.  Many were not. 

Some might have been Muslim.  Some might have been Christian.  Some might have been Jewish.  Some were not.

Some might have been in favor of gun control.  Some were not. 

For those who were killed, it might not matter now.

Yet I am touched when I hear about how people are reaching out to help.  It doesn't matter what religion or race or sexual orientation they are or the people they are helping.  In their minds, they are all neighbors and members of the same community. 

Can we, for just a few minutes, drop our social-political persuasions and dogma?  Can we, for just a few minutes, drop the divisive name calling and insults? 

Can we, for just a few minutes, offer a prayer or silence - whatever your personal beliefs would allow - for those who were murdered, for those who were injured, and for their family and friends? Can we just be thankful that there are those who are willing to reach out in love and help another regardless of their personal beliefs? 

Can we, together, stand as one in our remembrance of them?  

This is my small and insignificant tribute to them.  No, it was not focus stacked (although I do appreciate hobbs' tutorial).  The wind was blowing too hard again.  It just is what it is.

Thanks for being such a wonderful community and allowing me to unload on you. 

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