
By PeterMay

Up, up and away!

Among many discoveries while getting to know our new house, we found a leak in the roof on the south-west corner.  The only problem was that it was forty foot up and we had no ladders that would reach it.  So I had to hire a cherry picker - or "nacelle" as it is known in French ("giraffe" in the vernacular).

Dennis, who suffers from acute vertigo, bravely overcame his fear to manoeuvre the damned thing skyward, while Syd (a fellow Scot) identified the problem and effected a repair.  Even more bravely, I kneeled on the window ledge and leaned out to watch them.  Here they are, hovering above the treetops.

The extra is a ground-eye view of their journey to the stars.

The gate, by the way, is 2metres 49 wide.  The nacelle was 2metres 45.  But that's another story!

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