
By ChrisPBacon

Causeway Big Stopper Tester

Finally took the plunge and invested in the Lee Filters system - having gulped at the price for circa 6 weeks before finally clicking <Pay> on the website. 

Having got over that stage, I could then start thinking about some suitable locations. Lo and behold....a trip to Northern Ireland and in particular the Giants Causeway. A stunning World Heritage site, although the National Trust are making a complete hash of running the site and ruining some local businesses to boot (I say that as a paid up member of the Trust!)

So many photo options on the Causeway itself, but sometimes you have to just sit for 10 minutes take in the view and play "spot the shot". 

Minor Photoshop editing to crop out some Vignetting and to correct the colour cast from the Big Stopper. Other than that - I'm happy with my first attempts. 

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