wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Well it's about time!

Hay TonyTigerbear here.
I know! it's been too long! This is what I do when mom says "can you just smile for me"

Mom has been working in the yard like crazy. I sit in the window and occasionally give direction to make sure she is doing this correctly. Mom and Dad both have air conditioners they need to put in however.....TTB rules the windows. Mom has these things called gnomes that she put in the garden. These creep me out people. I think they may be little stoner people. Don't tell them I said that. One has a shovel.
So now there are three dogs next door. CJ is a Newfie and is tolerable as he loves mom and will sit by her side for ever and watch her. Occasionally I meow at him to show my superiority. I mean seriously, I am 8 feet higher and in a window behind a screen.

Mom keeps planting flowers and is filthy when she comes in the house. She wears big rubber boots and they smell heavenly. I could smell and roll over them everyday. She explained it was the compost heap. Her eyes glaze over and she gets a glassy look when she talks about it. Kind of like me after the catnip laced treats she feeds us. Anyway this thing has old food ( not mine. I have no old food. What I need is new food preferably every two hours...........but I digress)green grass, brown leaves, oh and chicken poop. Mom says she could cook a roast in the center......um yuck.
So we are busy gardening and I am busy directing, and Ethel sleeps.
Anyway, I will be back soon. Mom says this picture is adorable. I thinks it's says" For Gods sake woman, let me sleep."
Anyway time for sleepy night night to the north. ( yes we call it that) and good morning down under

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