Today's Special

By Connections


As if the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando wasn't enough tragedy for this week, today saw Jo Cox, a member of the British Parliament, gunned down and stabbed in Birstall, a small town in West Yorkshire. She would have been 42 next Wednesday.

Until today, I thought that the UK was a much safer place to be than the United States. It still is, but there's a crack in the dam.

On Friday, the day most of you are reading this, Phil and I will be away, celebrating our 14-year-old granddaughter's graduation from 8th grade. There will be a family party, and we'll stay over until Saturday afternoon, a welcome respite from this week's major news stories. 

But it will be impossible to forget the grief in Orlando and Birstall. We are all one family, and the sorrow runs deep.

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