Connected By Light

By Sideystar

The Greatest Show on Earth

Well didn't manage to get to blip yesterday as we managed to blag our way in to the casino in Stratford which has a roof terrace with an awesome view of the Olympics stadium

In there was such an amazing atmosphere there everyone cheering on there countries while we stood on our seats and watched through the glass at the TV in the bar the normal no talk to strangers went out the window as a man narrated via his phone listening to Radio5 live an we all debated who was going to light the torch.

The show was spectacular and there was a real sense of pride, This was made possible by the dedication and talent of the thousands of volunteers, a few were in the bar afterwards and I asked this lady to start my portrait series she was one of the nurses in the NHS/children story telling section.
I didn't get her story as I didn't want to keep her too long as she had a large well deserved glass of wine in her hand.
Peace love and C'mon team GB

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