Yomping Dhylan

Dhylan looks like he's off after the Paras yomping across the Falklands towards Stanley.
The extra photo is not very good, a bit out of focus, which is why I used the yomping one. Second extra is the village of Cranham which means I only have about 3 miles to go before I get home.
First proper test of the new Sat Nav. Yes it works fine but I need to check my settings. It took me down the tiniest Cotswold roads you can imagine where if you managed to spot a car coming one of you had to pull into the frequent cuts in the side of the road, they are only a couple of feet deep but make the difference between passing or taking the sides of each car!
It was a lovely drive, 40 minutes each way (camp is on the Bathurst Estate, Cirencester Park) but I can't help feeling it would have been even quicker along the A417.
He gets picked up on Sunday by his Dad, Daniel, as I'll be away at Wellesbourne.

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