
Finally Friday, although Term Six is really flying in. Our first walk was well timed this morning with a chance drive-by by the bestest friend. In to work at the usual time and plenty done before anyone else arrived. I just had one lesson today but filled the rest of the time by making good progress with two significant jobs. Y13 had their exam this morning and the fair paper we hoped for materialised. A few of them remembered to come and find me at the end of it and brought cards and chocolate too. They have been a lovely bunch and I hope their results reflect their hard work. 

Home to Bailey via the supermarket and a before tea walk for a change. Yet another night this week when I walked in boots and waterproof based on the colour of the sky but it didn't come to anything. A few things to be done this weekend but all at a fairly leisurely pace, I think. Well, once spin is done first thing tomorrow. 

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