
This rather pleasant meadow is at the centre of the Nottingham university campus so I snapped it as I walked across it for the last time this week.

After the morning's session I headed for the train home - a series of three trains, in fact. The last one, from Grantham up to Edinburgh, was busy and noisy and at times, smelly. There seemed to be a lots of service personnel going on leave; Buckfast to the left of me, Strongbow to the right of me....

When I got back to Edinburgh it was definitely time for a pint - DH met me at the station and we went down to the Cask and Barrel. We stayed longer than intended, due to coinciding with the Olympic opening ceremony coming on the telly. There was a good picture on a big screen but no sound, so we were deeply mystified at some points and kept watching in the hope of enlightenment. This meant that we just had to drink more beer.

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