
By Croft16


..Dog day.

Meet Amber, and Tanni..

Drove up to Balnakiel to meet up with I. He's just changed jobs, and will not have time to look after Amber as he'd wish to. So we've decided to take her on, and give her a home. She's a lovely dog, and a sister to Tanni. Same mother, but different dad. And two years younger than Tanns. She's a lovely tri-coloured dog, a little bit smaller than T, and a bit stockier.

She's been exploring the house, and met Dora and Duke (the cats) without problems. Teatime has always been cats first, followed by the dog(s). Had to tell Amber not to touch the cats food until they'd finished. And she didn't. Then time for the dogs, feeding both at the same time. Then Tanni licked out Amber's bowl, and Amber reciprocated the washing up.

We've had two walks down to the polytunnel, and up the hill to the bench, both on a lead. And had a good 10 minutes on the bench stroking a dog either side of me, while they watched the children playing on the beach..

There's been the odd growl and set of bared teeth, and one bit of fur flying. Both are asleep now! Tanni at the bottom of the stairs, and Amber at G's side in the kitchen..

Looks like they'll be fine..

Extra shots on the beach, and Tanni on the stairs waiting to go to the beach (I'm on the landing looking down!)..

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