A perfect evening walk by the reservoir - I haven't been there for ages and the May was still out in profusion, the place was alive with swifts and swallows, and the trees were full of chiff-chaffs, young willow warblers (see extra) and lots of other small songbirds. This yellowhammer was singing from the top of a bush beside the path from the car park, and it really was "a-little-bit-of-bread-and-no-cheese". Then I was going to catch up with blip and commenting until my sister skyped from the States and we've just spent two hours talking about family, the state of the world and cake. She's just been accepted to do a month's apprenticeship, enhancing her already considerable baking skills, at an artisanal bakery in Paris (Texas). So, I'll catch up with you all soon, blipchums. xxxxx

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