Day two

Day two
Really warm......30plus.

Spent the day around our resort, finding our way around, getting our beatings!

Had a lovely walk along the beach, attended a meeting with reps, chatted with fellow guests. Had a cocktail in the beach bar, pink passion, with gin mmmm!! Watched the England game, phew.....!!! Would love to see all four home nations qualify, wouldn't that be great!

Our first meal out was really good, more to follow.....restaurants seem great, plenty to try!

This is hub on our balcony at the other side as we come out of our room, overlooking the mountains. Bit of a rubbish photo some idiot left her ISO on auto.......this was around 8pm as it was getting dark, not that you'd know.

We are supposed to be getting a heatwave over the next day or two!!!!!

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