Wasp nest :(

This rug had been out in my balcony for weeks, and WASPS had built their nest in it.  :(

I have been pondering for days what to do with it, and this was eventually the result... - I just threw it down to the ground, and oh MAN did I get some pretty irritable guests to my balcony right after my offense! :0

Now I guess I'll just wait for few hours; until "the dust has settled", then go and try to dislodge the nest from the rug somehow...

- Sorry and no hard feelings guys - or gals?? -  but it is MY balcony after all...! And I'd rather read my books and sip my teas in peace.. Besides, the rug was lying there, in the middle of the balcony, only to be dusted [some day soon(ish)], not for you to inhabit!

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