
By briocarioca

Sun and shivers

Rio’s experiencing a real tropical winter for the first time in some years, with the lowest recorded temperatures – down to 10.3oC in Rio, as low as -1oC in the hills and -8o or -10o in Southern Brazil. So there was quite an edge to the wind walking down to the beach, with the sun behind tall buildings, and plenty of people in heavy sweaters, jackets and even woolly hats. We stocked up on fruit and veg in the street market, but HH was disappointed to find the cheery, colourfully dressed Bahian street seller had run out of his favourite snack, an acarajé (I think it’s made of bean flour, flavoured with tomato, onion, dendê palm oil etc and deep fried).

Can’t remember much about the rest of the day, a whole week back – think I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen.

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