
By Shygirl73

Mini Lighthouse

on the roundabout near town. It looked a bit daft when it was first put there but now its got a few flowers beside it looks OK. I walked down to the Bank as I had big problems getting into my Online banking yesterday.I was on all afternoon worried sick in case someone cleaned my savings out.Mind you 50 quid wouldn't get them far.
Anyway after so many attempts I was blocked. It kept telling me to answer questions on I am not a Robot.I couldn't even get those right,Couldnt tell the difference between grass and Mountains ;(  It should have had I am an Eejit ! Its all sorted now and I still have my 50 quid :) The ancient drinking trough is beside the Church and opposite the Bank. I Blipped the billboard on my return and could have done with drinking some of the stuff advertised, The sun has appeared so I am off to sit outside for 2 minutes.:)

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