Mono Monday : : This Makes Me Cross

Something that makes me cross, to my American sensibilities, means something slightly irritating that has no obvious solution. These are the cupboard doors under the kitchen sink. There are a lot of things that make me downright furious, but I'll stick to the above definition for today's picture, because I'm in a good mood today. OilMan and Ozzie now to stay clear of me if I'm really cross….

These cupboards under the sink were built and newly painted just after we moved. The trash can lives behind it, so I imagine the door gets opened with yucky fingers quite often, but almost immediately this particular door developed a halo of dirt around the knob. When I attempted to clean it, the paint dissolved. I've tried cleaning it with everything from bleach to plain water. I've tried scraping the paint off and repainting it. The dirty halo always reappears just on the one door. It would seem that I must scrape and repaint the whole door, but I have no guarantee, since it would be the same door and the same paint, that even that would solve this problem which makes me cross.

My fourth antibiotic, and by far the most expensive one to date, has finally kicked in and I won't have to pay for a refill. That makes me very happy. The last time I had this strange digestive ailment it took five months to diagnose it. I benefitted from that experience to get treatment right away this time, and was able to tell the doctor what was wrong with me! 

The price of this drug ($25 per pill) makes me more than cross. It is unconscionable. I am fortunate that I can afford to pay for it, but mad as hell that I have to. I feel really sorry for people who have no means to pay for needed medication. Huge advances in modern medicine are less impressive when a significant part of the population cannot afford to pay for it.…

Tim took OilMan's wallet home last night by accident. He said they were identical, which could only mean equally ratty. Now that would have been a good idea for Fathers' Day presents. I imagine Tim is pretty cross about having to bring it back after work today. We'll try to give him a good meal for his trouble.

Thanks to Red Flash for hosting.

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