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By pplnani

If at First You Don't Succeed .......... least try where pplnani can get her blip for the day   ;-)))

I had to move one of the feeders today because the naughty pussy cat that lives behind us ( see extra taken a few days ago) jumped up and caught one of my birdies while it was on the feeder............I was livid, I ran out to see if I could save it but she disappeared over the fence with her prey in her mouth :-(((( It's the first one I've seen her catch, although I've seen her trying a few times!!!
I have now put the feeder up higher, cut away all her cover and chased her off at least three times..................if she goes near my bullfinches I'm getting a spud gun!!!

Within ten minutes of moving the feeder Tufty turned up to try his luck..............watching his efforts was highly amusing, as he kept standing back on the branch frantically swishing his tail to assess the challenge in between attempts..........................of course he eventually succeeded but it wasn't the easiest meal he ever had and he got very annoyed when he had to jump off instead of running back up the tree....................strangely enough he's not been back for another go - I can't imagine why  ;-)))

No squirrels were hurt in the making of this blip :-))

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