Local Windmill, Historic Delfshaven, Rotterdam

Unexpected!  I cajoled hubby into coming along this Sunday to Rotterdam to help me figure out how to go to the convention centre at Marconiplein.  We looked at Google maps and the route planner and anyway, the route was similar to the one we had to take when we were still teaching at the Lyceum at Delfshaven.  It is just that I know from experience that route planners aren't always up-to-date and that road construction can force you to take time-consuming detours, and I didn't want to be late on Tuesday morning.  On the way there, though, this windmill came into view and we both knew I just had to shoot it ... haha!  So right after we found the street and the building I needed, we went back the same way and passed by.  As you can see, it's of the tall variety.  The sepia version is an extra.  Should I have made that the blip?

Spent the rest of the day with my games, my MOOC, my dishes and my laundry ... and hubby, of course, plus football.  I am particularly pleased with the MOOC.  I have gained so many extra insights into Garcia Marquez' work that it has made it more than worth my while to reread him.  There will be another Garcia Marquez MOOC this coming September and I've signed up for it.

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