Beyond Park of Keir

Sunset over the mountains beyond Park of Keir.
Well, its been something of a roller-coaster of a day when we had the preliminary meeting of Park of Keir prior to the Public Inquiry.

The whole proceedings was recorded live on a webcam and is now available on the internet - DPEA web-site

This is the first time  a live recording has been done of a planning enquiry and it is a pilot project to try and ensure transparency in the planning Appeal process which is heavily biased in favour of developers with deep pockets and puts communities like ourselves who are trying to safeguard our heritage and have no funds at a distinct disadvantage.
Hopefully this innovation will help restore a bit of the balance.
Certainly we were very impressed today with the pains to which the Reporter went to ensure we all got a fair hearing.

The Public Inquiry proper will start on September 5th.

( If you do click on this video link be warned that it is slow to download because they have gone for very high definition. Oh yes, you will find me in the front row. M says I got trigger happy with my finger on the microphone button wanting to speak. He exaggerates.)

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