A Pew with a View

Didn't win the euromillions lottery last night. The only reason I mention it is because I was thinking about it while I was walking on the moor tonight and when I came across this scene.

I was thinking that I know myself quite well (although sometimes I surprise myself and not always in a good way; need to stop myself turning into a grumpy old curmudgeon sometimes), but I wondered if I had won the Euromillions last night would I be here, on this moor, witnessing this shaft of rainbow and the moon and the gorgeous clouds. Breathing in this fresh air, hoping a big old horned cow might appear on the horizon?

Or would I lose myself instantly in a brand new world?

If I did win, I'd travel a lot. Meet some of you blippers maybe! But would this passion for hunting (it *is* hunting) down that shot die?

As a kid I remember holidays where we'd stay in five star hotels where International Football Teams would also be staying (it was the United Arab Emerites and Don Revie was managing. The players were so polite and friendly. I was sat doing a rubik cube and one of the guys, tall as a basketball player, came over and chatted to me.). But we stayed in the hotel and saw nothing of the country. It was Spain. We ate in the hotel restaurant and the waiters would call me Sir. I didn't mind as a kid - it was great! Not all of our family holidays were like this - one time we travelled through they Pyrenees in a camper van, and we had boating holidays in England, but some of those trips had nothing to do with experiencing the country or the area.

But as an adult it's different; because I can't afford to give up work and travel, I think when I do get the opportunity then I appreciate it much more. I wonder if I had unlimited money, if my expectations would change and my horizons. I'm not sure if I want different horizons!

When we travel now we prefer to stay in a good Bed and Breakfast or an apartment. If it's hot it's got to have air conditioning but that's all. I don't want a chocolate on my pillow. I can make my own bed (or not) and go out and find a great local restauraunt, after I've spent a bit of time exploring on foot to get that photo. Really exploring.

Would this be the same if I could hire a helicopter to take me above an island and blip a birds eye view? Yes I'd love to do it, but if I could afford to do it every day, would I stop loving it?

I love camping in the hills. I've got a nice tent - it's expensive but it's lightweight and it's tough. But I had to save up for the tent and I treat it with respect because I don't want to have to save up for another. If I won the lottery, would I still do this? Endure a bit of discomfort for the greater end or think that discomfort is no longer a problem for me. Would I discard my tent because relatively it's now worthless?

I don't know - it's not even a thing because I'm never going to win the lottery. But it did make me think a bit (and ramble!! Haven't had a good ramble since my blipday!!!)

You don't have to answer this by the way :o)

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