Oh No Another One

The Boss says you can never have too many landscapes and in Wanaka I guess that is true.

An odd day. It rained a lot and then the window cleaning team turned up. The Bossess sets this up in advance and The Boss had settled himself into his comfy chair in his studio and was reading his latest book…Wait…Wait… not a real chewable one but  a Kindle one on his Macbook. AND another thing a Macbook isn’t chewable either so why the “book” thing and if it was a book there would not be much reading in it ‘Cos it way too thin. Calendar size…and smells slightly warm.

Once upon a time a boot was something dogs (Errr yes I did) could get into and had nothing to do with warm calendars.

Anyway we did go out for a walk and there he was on his knees again and not a lady in sight which was probably good “cos he was really head down and …..Right. Compositional necessity he said.
Bad eyesight I thought.


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