
Last year we had some major changes made around the house including removing the wall around our inner bit of front garden.  

The second stage , which we had hoped would start in the spring, was to flatten what remained and plant a lawn which would greatly reduce maintenance  and provide an open view.   That also involved some roughcasting of part of the house , which unfortunately led to having to replace a bit of roof when we discovered the timbers were less than perfect.   That delayed things a little. 

That is now done so the heavy work can commence prior to the concluding action which is getting the house exterior painted.  

After a false beginning on Monday, when the digger broke down, the work finally got underway today and the deconstruction is impressive.   Now we wait for the reconstruction (hopefully this weekend)  which will involve ploughing the ground , planting the seed and then waiting until we can do our first cut. 

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