Wide Angle Wednesday: On The Road To Nowhere

This is the Glastonbury Festival traffic at a standstill on the Street by-pass this afternoon.

You can see Glastonbury Tor in the middle distance (under the lamppost) and the Festival site is about 5 miles or more beyond that.

From the point where I took this (coincidentally just opposite the house we lived in when we first moved down here), the queue stretched back about the same distance again, so probably 15 miles at least

We had to go in the opposite direction twice today to pick up Sophie and drop her off again. Fortunately, for us at least, the back roads through the villages on the Levels remained undiscovered and quiet and we got back pretty quickly both times.

People have been queuing for 11 hours or more on this road apparently.

The theme for today's challenge is Links: well, this road LINKS the M5 to the Festival site, I suppose.

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