Give me the moonlight - please!

After the full moon on Monday I wanted to get a photo of the moon reflected in the river. The position and time of the moonrise was right on Tuesday - but it was cloudy ! However, I took myself down to the river just before midnight to see if I could get something as soon as it was Wednesday (I had already posted a Blip for Tuesday) - am I completely mad? I took over 20 shots from the bridge with an exposure of 8 seconds, f4.5 and ISO 1600 - very difficult to see what you're actually taking when it's so dark - there were a couple of cars - the road is below the river bank but the lights still show. Considering that the moon was behind the clouds I  think this is not too bad - pity about the odd light glow from distant houses and traffic. A pity too that you can't hear the church clock chiming midnight - I felt like Cinderella - good job the car didn't turn into a pumpkin or I would have had to walk home! (the camera records the time of this shot as 00.00.06)

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