B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

A Canon for Chloe

Shhh, it's really for her birthday, but I've found that if I have an idea, I better get to it or I'll never find time.

Taking Chloe's 10 month pics proved difficult since she's become mobile. I'd sit her in front of me and grab my camera... before I knew it, she was in my lap reaching for my camera.

I don't blame her really, for the past 10 months, she's been my model. She's seen me set up backdrops, lights and grab props. I'd get her situated where I wanted her and grab my camera. For some reason - that small black box makes my lights flash and beep. In a 10 month old brain - It's a magic box and that makes me the magician.

She was unrelenting, going after my camera at every opportunity... and with each attempt she was denied access, but was approved for snuggles and kisses!

I had a thought this morning that I could make Chloe her own camera to play with... she'll probably still want mine - as one year olds play with boxes and wrapping paper before actual gifts.

I'm pretty impressed with the way it turned out though... even if she chooses not to play with it!

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