rambling images

By rml

beware.. tomato photographers

this image got me a "telling off" this morning.
I was doing a spot of shopping in a well known
supermarket, just finished picking up a couple
of tomatoes, and thought I know I'll blip 'em.
.. camera out...
2 seconds later an employee comes running over
"You CAN'T take photographs in here"
.. what of tomatoes?
.. at which point I'm ashamed to admit I started laughing
.. which didn't go down to well, but I could just see the...

Cut to court scene 3 months later:
Judge: Will the prosecution please read the charges brought before
this court today.
Prosecutor: Yes m'lord the defendant did willfully take a picture or a
"blip" of a bunch of tomatoes, against The Supermarket Display Secrecy Act of 2008"
Judge: Oh very serious charges indeed, how does the defendant plead?
... Every little bit helps? .........

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