On Referendum day, more decisions to be made

After a morning spent looking at my pictures taken in Sri Lanka trying to select some for an exhibition, I felt quite pleased with some of them. Helena has been at home all day which makes a nice change for both of us, and we were able to have a small snack lunch which I don't usually manage.

Then we drove to the polling station which I thought was surprisingly busy for the early afternoon. I think in our ward round here there will be a vote to remain, but I fear once you leave the urbanised area for the villages and hamlets there might be a rather different response.

I drove up to the farm shop near Bisley to get vegetables and a bit of country air and had a quick chat with Keith, who looks after the bee production at Stancombe Beech farm.  Last year I spent a day with him as he went to look after a few of his hives and he gave me a run down on their general condition. Apparently they are in good shape but need some  warm weather for the flowers, especially the clover, to ripen for their feeding.

I walked from the farm yard to look out over several fields hoping to see some birds and butterflies, but the overcast weather seemed to be keeping nature in a quiet state. My eye caught these signposts and I was intrigued by the possibilities, whether on foot, in a car or on horseback. It was nevertheless rather pleasant just standing still there and listening to the quiet sounds of the countryside, before coming home.

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