And The Rain Goes On ...

In the extra photos section a picture taken yesterday evening late. A magnificent spectacle but with a vicious sequel. Torrential rains and thunderstorms ravaged tonight the Lowlands near the sea. There was regrettable one dead and millions in material damage.

But it's not done yet. I made this gloomy picture today. Poor weather forecasts continue to haunt us ... This morning we discovered, after a long night of rain and thunder, a backyard shed been flooded. During the day, the water level dropped some, but not enough to withstand a subsequent batch of water ... :-(

During the day, the water level dropped some, but not enough to withstand a subsequent batch of water. So curious with what tomorrow morning will surprise us ...

Thank you for visiting my journal and your supporting comments and stars for yesterday's "Dangerous Mating ...". Very kind of you!

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