Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Tonight's sunset

Walking on the marsh for the sunset is my favourite time of the day.  I love the wide open space and the shapes of the mud flats in the estuary which are forever changing and I love watching and listening to the wading birds.   Usually I have the place to myself.  Tonight though I was very surprised to see that somebody had pitched a tent.  Outside the tent was a bicycle.  Assume the owner was asleep inside :) 

Earlier today I went to Mungrisdale as haven't been there for years.   I was surprised to see that the little footbridge was off limits having sustained  damage from last December's Storm Desmond.  The footpath leading to the footbridge had also been well and truly washed away and the only way across the beck was over stepping stones which wasn't too bad as the water levels are low at the moment but don't think I would want to attempt it in the winter.    It was a hot day for walking and it was hard work going uphill so eventually gave up and turned back which I think Misty was also pleased about.  Have put a couple in extras, one of Misty and one which shows the damaged footpath.

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