today I went to

By Beau

Today Mark and I went for a walk around the Spice Bazaar and lots of the side streets around that area. I am always fascinated by the shops in the bazaar and they way that many of them sell just one product, for example one sold just cigarette lighters and another just teddy bears.
Neither of us had visited the New Mosque so that was our first stop. Even though I am not a religious person I enjoy the peaceful feeling that I find in religious buildings and love the architecture and the skill that was used so many years ago without any of the technology that we take for granted these days.
We saw amazing views across the city from the roof top of Sair Han near the Tower of Eirene. Lunch ws in a small restaurant near Sulymanye Mosque and was just the perfect place to eat. That day is stored fast in my memory bank

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