
This was the EB in case I got something better on my late-evening run up Turnhouse and Carnethy after the High School concert where Miss L struggled against a mic turned down to stop her drowning her duet partner when singing "Under Pressure" in a Bowie tribute section.

I would have had a better image if I'd remembered my camera since the sunset sky was pretty. Running well, but needed to get out after almost three weeks.

Stayed up until 00:45, when the results from Newcastle and Sunderland sent me to bed. Woke at 03:50 and saw that it was still tight; dreamed that Remain just won, but woke to the horrible reality.

The only hope for me is Scottish independence in Europe, welcoming with open arms the Remain refugees from the south. As well as my Remain friends in England, I feel sorry for the many Leave voters who have been let down by deficient education, leaving them vulnerable to the racism and lies of BoJo and his cronies who only view them as potential slaves in a post-brexit feudal system.

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