The second half of life..

By twigs


It's been many, many years since I lived in England, though I do still fondly refer to her as 'home'.  As a British citizen I guess I may have been able to vote on whether Britain stayed in the EU or exited.  I didn't think that my views were fair to impose on those who live there though, so never even looked into whether or not I could vote.  Most people I spoke to today at work had no idea what I was talking about if I mentioned 'Brexit'.  Fair enough I guess - it's the other side of the world afterall.

But now the voting is counted, the voices of home have spoken and the message being delivered is 'we're out of here' people are beginning to realise the will have an effect on markets all over the world for quite some time yet.

It's already had a marked effect on markets and exchange rates - the pound has dropped and there's talk here of the possibility of rising mortgage rates.  Losses may not (yet) break the bank but they'll have a significant impact on people travelling to or from the UK.  Great if you're heading over there for a holiday.  Definitley not so great if you're moving sterling overseas.

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