
By gblrps

Fizzers - 1

It must be confusing when you get to the age of 90 and have more than one Birthday in the year and a whole bunch of celebration events and parties.
She was actually 90 on 21st April.  That kicked of a massive birthday celebration.  Some minor events followed until the weekend of 12th - 15th May when there was a really big event at Windsor.  Then on Sunday 5th June it was a big bash in London,  and on 10th June it was the venue of St Paul's Cathedral followed by Saturday June 11th - the Official Birthday.
The reason for having more than one birthday comes down to the British weather.   It was felt it would be better to celebrate a monarch's birthday in good summer weather which wouldn't be the case if their birthday happened to be in the winter.

But why just the monarch? Surely we should all get to choose our own 'Official' Birthday!  We could start a campaign.  Maybe even a referendum!!


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